The Community
To The Community
Next Program Begins
October 8, 2023
(Registration ends - 10/1)
Registration Ends
Oct. 1, 2023
(at 11:59 pm EST)
A community provides support from like-minded individuals where support otherwise either doesn’t exist or isn’t as strong. People in a community have the same goals which will help maximize your results.
Being part of a community makes all the difference.
You know the saying…“it takes a village”, well look at this community as YOUR VILLAGE that will:
help to keep you on-track,
make you accountable,
cheer you on,
and support you every step of the way.
You will also gain connections with others going down the same path as you are, so they understand your struggles. You can choose to engage with them privately, or in a group or publicly within the community.
This community will be hosted on a very safe and private platform that provides premium experience with all the online bells and whistles many of us have gotten used to. It provides a space for private real time conversation and connection with others including the coach. These are just some of the many benefits you will enjoy.
Become A Member!
"Come for the experience...stay for the benefits"
When I started this journey as a wellness coach back in 2008, I’ve always envisioned this type of community and service for my clients. It’s been a slow climb, but I’m so happy to finally be able to offer the best in product and service. I feel called to serve you in this way and I humbly accept your willingness to allow me to work with you.
If you find that you are currently stuck or are having a difficult time permanently overcoming the health challenges you face with Eczema, Allergies and Asthma, join our private community and connect with supportive individuals who are experiencing the same struggles as yourself.
I’ve developed an easy roadmap including various tools to help you adapt and adjust to a more purposeful healthy lifestyle.
Network and connect with other amazing individuals who are willing to offer support and answer questions.
You will be able to attend live online events and learn what’s working for others that may also work for you.
You will have access to courses including workbooks and live Q&A sessions.
From time to time there will be special guest expert presenters on various interesting topics.
Over the course of time, by participating with these and other activities, you will learn to overcome any fears that might in the past have held you back.
You will learn to be patient with yourself and the process, and to embrace and appreciate the person you are and will become.
You can enjoy all these and more right from the comfort of your home.
Space is limited, so if you are ready to break away from your past of limiting beliefs and instead want to embrace a life of new possibilities, join our community of inspiring members to begin transforming your life.
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** EVOLVE **
A Program
for Everyone
of All Ages
My last asthma attack was as a teenager, and I’ve been eczema-free since 2008. I’ve since been wanting to help others. However, I was kept back on several occasions because of flashbacks. For years I suppressed feelings and experiences connected to my eczema without realizing what was happening. I became an emotional wreck whenever I spoke about my past condition. So I had spurts of shutting down.
We can live with a condition for so long that it becomes part of who we are, so we accept it as our identity. These diseases leave many of us
either gasping for air to breathe,
or with broken skin, opening us up to infections,
or limiting us to what we can and cannot eat or to what we’re exposed to.
An adult can often know or sense when an attack is coming, but how does an innocent new born, infant or toddler let you know?
Is it fair that a child must limit his or her activities beginning at such a young age?
Children and teens are most likely struggling with how to control attacks either with medication, or they are struggling with how to handle triggers so that they can enjoy a normal life. Meanwhile, other children who are less kind taunt and bully them.
These conditions can also limit a teenager’s social life.
What type of quality of life is this?
And is that what you want for your children?
These are the reasons why I want to create a movement of people who understand that healing starts from the inside out. When lifestyle changes are not implemented, these diseases will continue to manifest on your skin as eczema, and in your lungs as asthma. Or you will continue to experience increased sensitivities to foods and to environmental allergens. I’ve lived it for 23 years, so I understand the misconceptions of focusing on the skin.
You may be someone who has faced and suffered from eczema, allergies and asthma and you may have tried everything from prescribed and over-the-counter medications to natural solutions, creams, lotions, portions, baths etc. None of them worked or they might have worked for a time.
I’ve done all of them and wasn’t totally healed until I attacked the situation from the inside. Steroid based drugs found in topical creams and inhalers have a long list of side effects. Nasal sprays are in the corticosteroid class of drugs which also have a long list of side effects. Check it for yourself.
I want to offer you a different solution and I would like very much for you to open your mind to the fact that it is your diet that will allow healing from the inside out. Be open to giving it a try. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.
The journey you’ve been on of trying all these things obviously isn’t working, so let’s work on solving this thing together. I am looking for people who are ready to make lifestyle changes for their health and the health of their future generations. I hope you are one of those people.
I would like to invite you to a FREE MINI MASTERCLASS, where I go into more detail about the PROGRAM and the COMMUNITY I am creating and how it will be A GAMECHANGER for you. Looking forward to seeing you there.
The more I researched and studied, the more I realized that a lot of babies were coming into this world with eczema. Topical steroidal creams are often prescribed. Even a mild version is too strong for babies. Their tiny body and immune system are not developed enough to handle any of this stuff, but parents are at a complete loss on what else to do as they watch their poor innocent child suffer.
My program is really open to anyone. However, my primary focus is geared towards families with children.
I can trace the history of asthma in my family back 5 generations. This also rings true for almost everyone I surveyed and interviewed. My goal is to help parents put an end to this madness instead of perpetuating these diseases.
There comes a time when we must say "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"!
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I promote prevention. You should consult your doctor before starting any nutritional program. This self-care program does not diagnose, treat or cure any illness or disease and is provided as a preventative guide…what you are willing to do for yourself in adopting a healthy lifestyle. If you are sick, make an appointment to see your doctor.