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Healthy Woman

"It's A Family Affair"

Set Your Goals 

You will start with setting your goals…examine where you are now and where you want to be 4, 6 months or more and into the future

  • Setting goals helps you to remain focused and to prioritize your responsibilities.  Plus goal setting gives you something to look forward to

  • Setting goals also helps you measure how well you are progressing and what you need to improve upon

  • In a nutshell, goals provide clarity, guidance and direction for your future

  • Journal your progress so you can look back and see your accomplishments while making sure to date everything.  For example:

    • Take pictures of your skin and other affected areas​

    • Track reduction in medication application

    • Record the number of flare-ups etc.



While on The Program, there might be times when you will lose focus.  Learn to keep those to a minimum.  Don't let little things distract you and don't beat yourself up for the choices you've made in the past.


Instead be reminded of your current goals and make that your daily motivation.  Envision the quality of life you've always dreamed of...then go for it!




What is your Wellness Dream?

How much help will you need to realize that dream?




  • What's important to you?

  • What will happen if you don't make changes now?

  • What difference will recovery make in your life?

  • How do you value your health?

  • Is accountability important to you?

  • What are you willing to do that's very different from what you've done in the past?

  • Are you self-motivated / a self-starter or will you need lots of guidance?



Are you ready to partner with us to finally Erase Eczema, Allergies and Asthma?


Let's get started!



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New Born 


With newborns, infants and toddler who are still nursing, once the mother makes the recommended lifestyle changes, the child’s condition improves and eventually goes away.



Children to Teens 



For children to teens, you as their parents have to make wise household purchases and lifestyle choices.  Be willing to embrace the idea of purposeful living.  We often recommend that the entire family embrace the recommended lifestyle changes so as not to isolate the child, or else your child will feel left out when the rest of the family is allowed to eat foods they are not able to.

Therefore, this must become a family supportive effort which in the end will work wonders in terms of health for all concerned. This is definitely something worth considering.







We all need support as we navigate through life but we don't always get the support we need from those directly around us.  Sometimes it's because they don't know how to because they haven't had the experiences you've had with your struggles with Eczema, Allergies or Asthma.  They just might not know how to support you.


This can at times become frustrating and you might even get annoyed at them for their lack of empathy.


Children may feel isolated by their peers or not loved by those close to them because of their appearance or challenges of having to deal with their condition.


For others it can build up fear of their unknown future life or, even worse, not knowing if their condition might take their life.


And yet others feel embarrassed because of their condition.


If you are open to a different way of thinking from what you've been used to, your condition can become a thing of your past.


Your condition manifested itself on your skin as an indication of what's going on inside your body.  Therefore, your healing must start from the inside and not by focusing on your skin.






Support is Critical 

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