Reclaim Your Skin
Erase Eczema

We are a holistic lifestyle agency with over a decade of experience in helping individuals with skin rashes, allergies and food sensitivities. Our program helps you have:
Clean Clear Skin
Look Better
More Energy
Proper Breathing
Restful Sleep
Anti Aging Benefits

Long Lasting Results!

Natural Proven Results For All Ages

My name is Themma and I am a holistic health coach based in New York City. My wellness journey began over a decade ago with a genuine desire to help people. I specialize in helping individuals with skin rashes, allergies and food sensitivities.
My experience dealing with adult eczema sparked a passion in me to take an active role in preventing disease and fostering a healthy lifestyle. Determined not to accept long term use of prescription medication, I became determined to find the root cause.
Within 4 months of changing my diet and adopting avoidance strategies, my rash cleared along with my other symptoms. I had the privilege of studying over 100 dietary theories with world renowned health experts while learning a holistic approach to healing that goes well beyond what we eat and touch.
I work closely with my clients to develop customizable wellness programs to help manage conditions, build a strong foundation and cultivate a vibrant, healthy life.Curious to know what that looks like?